Today Mama says it’s my 11 month ampuversary! We went to the beach this morning, but that is nothing new; we go there all the time. She told this nice old man that it was my ampuversary, and he gave me some loving and said I was “amazing” and a “princess”, but that is nothing new either. If I do say so myself, I am admired by most people at the beach, and a lot of them say nice things to me and sometimes they give me loving and sometimes they even give me treats! I’m reasonably certain that all this stuff happens because I am so pretty. They can’t resist my beauty. (Mama says I have a big ego – but I’m skinny, like a good model should be, so I don’t know what she’s talking about!)
I haven’t gotten any special treats yet to celebrate. My Mama says it is because I am not 100% a “solid citizen.” If I’m not, it’s not my fault! I eat what they give me (well, plus the occasional peach pit that I find in the yard, and sometimes a little funky stuff at the beach, but that’s all minor!) Anyway, she said that as long as my tummy feels good this weekend (my tummy feels awesome!) we can go get a Flying Dutchman at In-N-Out this weekend! Yum. My fave!
Just to remind you all what a pretty model I am, here’s a pic my mama took of me recently.

Wish me luck that I will get my Flying Dutchman this weekend! If I don’t, I’m going to have to eat all the peach pits I can find in the yard to show my displeasure!