My momma has been very bad about letting me use the computer to update my blog. She’s ALWAYS updating *her* blog (which is also about me of course!) but she hogs the computer and won’t let me on it!
Last time I posted it was my 11 month ampuversary. Well, I am now way past my 12 month (that’s a whole year!) ampuversary. Mama says I have now been with them as a cancer girl longer than as a non-cancer girl. Whatevs. I’m still just me.
Here is a little run down of what’s been up with me:
*I killed my Barney dead. (Remember, I have my own Barney – not THE Barney…)

* We had a beach party with my family. We had a big bonfire and even us dogs got some special burgers made just for us.

* I tried to eat a persimmon.

* Mama dressed me up on Halloween like a Tripawd Warrior Princess

* I had my 1 year ampuversary and got a Flying Dutchman.

* I saw our neighbor naked and I barked at him like CRAZY! (There’s no picture of that one. I’m not sure why. Something about Mama stabbing her eyes out??)
* Mama is giving me something different in my peanut butter and my braunschweiger every morning. Whatevs. I don’t care, long as I get my peanut butter and my braunschweiger. (It’s something to do with my friend Dr. V. taking pictures of my insides. Everyone wants to take pics of me cuz I’m so pretty, but only Dr. V. is crazy enough to take pics of the insides of me!)
I am probably leaving out some details here or there. Mama’s blog fills in all the boring bits. I just hit the highlights! Cuz who wants to sit at a computer all day??? What kinda fun is that?? Um, it’s not fun.
Abby out! (Kisses everyone!)