Abby had her one month ampuversary yesterday, and her second round of chemo today. Hopefully her reaction to the chemo will be as minimal as last time. She certainly seemed to have tons of energy afterward!
She did throw up a tiny bit this afternoon – but I think that was because the post-chemo popcorn I gave her didn’t go down well. I guess post-chemo popcorn is a bad idea, and will remember that in future. I need to get this posted and then go see how she feels about dinner tonight. Hopefully she’ll have an appetite. I’ve got everything in the house to tempt her with: turkey, salmon, cottage cheese, and good old plain pasta.
She continues to amaze us with how well she’s doing. The oncologist also said she’s doing great, so we are going to move her chemo appointments to every two weeks instead of every three. Take that, Cancer!
Here’s a picture of her from over the weekend, at her favorite place in the world – Fiesta Island. I’ve also posted some additional pictures and a couple of wee videos of her momentous visit to F.I. on my other blog, here.
Hope all the tripawds and their pawrents had a great Thanksgiving! We sure did. We’re very grateful that our little pup is doing so well.